Long Time, No See!

“Even in stillness, there is movement. Sometimes it takes time for the molecules of change to shift form.

Even when it feels like nothing is happening, transformation is taking place.” -Anonymous

Here I am, many months since my last blog post, finally getting back to writing something. I feel that this is fitting, since I talk to clients fairly regularly about taking time away and not putting pressure on themselves to do anything in a way that doesn’t serve them.

This summer was a whirlwind with personal and family things happening. I felt it necessary to slow down when I could, focus on the “need to” tasks and enjoy the precious breathing room when it came up.

Time for reflection and rest is incredibly important for a “multitude of sins” (as my mother would say). With the busy-ness of everyday life, it can be hard to remember to slow down, unplug and unwind.

Taking this time can have benefits in multiple areas, such as:

  • Improved mood.

  • Improved concentration.

  • Decreased fight or flight responses.

  • Improved physical health (less stress, bolstered immune system and heart health).

  • Avoiding injury.

This article also states that rest and sleep are different, and serve different purposes. Rest is meant to help recover and recharge, and though extremely important, is something we can technically go without. Sleep, however, is something our body cannot function without.

So, How in the World Do You Integrate Rest?

Keep it small, and keep it simple.

Find small sections of time that a brief activity (like reading, taking a quick walk, meditation, stretching, listening to music, an audiobook or podcast) can be integrated.

Keep it consistent.

Our brains love routine and rituals, so choose times and activities that you can do regularly.

Different Kinds of Rest

An article by Auckland Physiotherapy also discusses that there are different types of rest (physical, mental, emotional and sensory). And it makes sense…sometimes the body needs rest, sometimes the mind, so on and so forth.

For me? I’m an overstimulated mom of a 4 and almost 6 year old. My house is chaotic and loud, and messy. I need sensory rest regularly. I’m also a therapist, and need the mental and emotional rest every day (cue loud singing in the car).

For you? Take stock of how you’re doing and what seems to be impacting you. Are you feeling burnt out? What areas make you feel the most busy?

You Got This!

I know that it can seem impossible to slow down and take time for yourself. Remember, keep it small and keep it simple.

Your brain, body and heart will thank you!


The Mom Guilt is Real